Tuesday 1 September 2009

Cloud Backup & Android

Firstly a tip for Android users (and I'm a major fan of this platform for mobile devices) :-

If you change your Google account password, also make sure you change the password cached on your Android phone quickly afterwards - otherwise it appears that Google automatically decides that the failed login attempts from your phone (when it is auto syncing contacts, calender & email etc data) are a hacking attack and temporarily disabling your Google account... Clearly not good and needs some more thought from Google I think :(

Which leads me onto a related topic - cloud backup (which of course should really be cloud restore rather than cloud backup). In this context I'm really talking about the SaaS & PaaS definitions of cloud.

Firstly I should say that I'm greatly in favour of having multiple controlled & secured instances of data in several locations, my feeling is that for a lot of smaller organisations or individuals this simply doesn't occur. As such the technologies loosely referred to as 'cloud backup' could be invaluable to many people in easily & cost effectively enabling data persistence and recovery.

Now, before we dig into the real topic, there are lots of side-points to consider re security & availability in the cloud backup/recovery area, including :-

  • Obviously the data needs to be protected, normally with encryption. My view is that this should have private keys supplied & owned by the user, and not by the backup/recovery provider. With the private keys similarly backed-up to a separate key escrow / backup & recovery provider.
  • What SLAs does the provider have? (availability, accessibility, performance, integrity etc) and how, from where and how often are they measured & reported?
  • How can you contact your provider should you have an issue? (a web form simply doesn't cut it)
  • What guarantees do they offer to keep your data at their site available - are they a '2nd copy hoster' or do they treat your data with the same care as a master copy (eg do they do their own backups/replicas, can you treat their service as an archive rather than B&R etc?)
  • What are the guarantees worth? what kind of financial penalties / compensation are available, how are they calculated & triggered and how do they compare re the value of the data?
  • Is the provider somebody you'd trust with your banking details? As it's likely you'll either be giving them these, or all of the information behind them, in one form or another
  • Cloud economics often rely on some form of content dedupe at the provider's end, you need to satisfy yourself that supplier's dedupe won't impact your security or encryption

But with the above in-mind, back to the real topic - the three real points I was wondering about here are a little bit different :-

  • Should you backup your SaaS & PaaS cloud service data to your own local media (ie backing-up your part of the cloud)?
What happens to your data (your assets & value) when a service goes down, your account is deleted, the service is hacked, the company vanishes or... Can you backup your Google/Yahoo email to your local home NAS, can you backup your blog sites & social media pages to your local storage?

Irrespective of how it is done I'm increasingly of a belief that there is going to be a need for this. The first time it happens is often for some 'novelty' data which is irritating but little more, however as people rapidly move to cloud services that handle their data the risk & loss becomes higher...

Not saying stop using the SaaS services (different view re PaaS but that's another blog) as the prime system, but if the data is worth something (emotional, financial etc) then my view is that it should always be in two independent places, with one of those in the data owner's direct control.

So I'm wondering when the current generation of home NAS devices will start to include the ability to receive data from remote sites, or to have the ability to obtain that data automatically themselves?
  • Can your cloud backup/recovery partner also backup your social media and SaaS services?
Moving on from the previous point, what I'm thinking about here is that rather than need to use local media, could your cloud backup partner (assuming they are different to your other PaaS/SaaS providers) also provide 'content aware' backups for your other internet data services such as blog sites, Facebook & MySpace sites, Twitter tweets/favourites/friends/followers, webmail and other PaaS / SaaS services etc?
  • Could your cloud backup partner also move into providing a basic 'cloud DR' service?
It's a fairly simple step for a cloud partner to wrapper & automate the creation of an AWS EC2 image, load their backup/restore software onto that image and then allow the customer to restore their data 'as needed' to the EC2 image. Where in turn they can run the usual suite of common apps easily enough... Not earth changing but a simple enough value add that would provide transitory help for some situations...
Now I'm aware that some of the points above could be twisted into FUD, they certainly aren't intended as that (and I'll be more than grumpy if they do get used as FUD) - they are the questions I ask myself about my personal information storage (especially when an account gets disabled!).

In this topic (like many others) I certainly agree with some of the points that
@StorageBod makes in his blog entry at http://storagebod.typepad.com/storagebods_blog/2009/08/information-haze.html re personal information being both of value and dispersed, with little current understanding from the public at large re the potential consequences...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing nice article on SaaS, now days SaaS demand are increasing and hope this will increase the wok efficiency in IT industry.
    SaaS Services
